Commercial Water Softeners
AquaTex softeners give you high flow rates throughout your business and save money on regenerant and water use.
These savings are confirmed by the systems certifications and its ability to surpass even the toughest of efficiencies standards. There’s nothing quite like knowing that your water, and your water treatment system, is of the best quality.
Water Softeners:
Commercial Plus Water Softener
Kinetico’s Non-electric control valve eliminates timers and provides efficient, reliable, low-cost operation. The twin tank design allows Kinetico systems to backwash without ever going offline for around the clock operation. A Kinetico system uses only soft, conditioned water to clean itself which prolongs the life of the system. |
Hydrus Water Softener
The Hydrus water softener is the only multi-port water softener to use counter-current, soft water regeneration. Water quality from the Hydrus water softener is significantly better than the water quality from traditional co-current or hard water regenerating systems. Hydrus is the only multi-tank softener system certified to NSF-44 standards. |
PowerLine Water Softener
The PowerLine Series of water softeners provides high flow soft water in single, duplex, or triplex configurations. |